Straight To Tape - Ridgefield, CT


The Straight To Tape tracking room features variable acoustic panels throughout, so that the entire room can be made absorptive or diffusive. The tracking room ceiling traps incorporate RPG FlutterFree diffusors as the final finish layer. The control room design is highly diffuse with a very large sweet spot, and the main monitors are accurate to below 30Hz.

The console is an API 1608 with Automation. Main in-wall monitors are the ATC SCM110ASL’s, active, tri-amped. Tracking room monitors are ATC SCM 45A mid-fields, active, tri-amped. Other equipment by Burl, Universal Audio, Bricasti, Manley, BAE, Avalon, Teletronix, Retro, Empirical Labs, etc.

The acoustical buildout is by Brett Acoustics, and technical wiring is by Canova Audio.

© Wes Lachot Design Group 919-942-9434